Art Stories

Edward Hopper "Nighthawks", 1942

  There, sitting at the counter in the red dress, is Anabelle. She is a local singer and performer for her town. She is originally from down south in the state of Louisiana, but traveled all the way to Philly to do some shows. She thought she'd make more money doing so, but it's about the same amount she made in Louisiana. Anabelle tries to be positive and stay happy, but at times she just cant hide how depressed she really is.
  Next to Anabelle, a man by the name of Joseph Radly, is Anabelle's manager. He is also from Louisiana, but a different part than her. He is mostly known for managing local singers, and is always looking for the next big thing to make him some quick cash. As it seems, Anabelle isn't doing it for him so he is drowning his unsuccessful business sorrows away.
  Sitting off alone, is Gabe Hollinsworth. He is from New Jersey and was a very rich, successful business man before his company was reported for fraud. That was a false claim, but when things get into the local newspaper, its hard to prove if it was true or not. Gabe was content before this all happened, but when into great despair.
  The bartender, he has been there for a long time. Everybody calls him Mandy, but never knew what his real name was. It was said that he is a decent living old man because of his bar. that is the best visited bar in town. He from Philly so he sees many people all the time. Mandy does not have many problems, so he is a pretty jovial old man.
Scene 1: [Four people are at a bar together, including the bartender, in the town of Philly. Two of                                 them already know each other, and the other two do not know any of them at all.]
(Mandy) Will there be another round for all of you?
(Joseph) Well Anabelle, would you like to stay here for a little while more?
(Anabelle) Yeah. there's no where else i need to be that's really important. I'll take another drink, please.    Him too.
(Mandy) Coming right up. And how about you, sir?[turning left to look at Gabe]
(Gabe) Sure, i'll take one too, if you don't mind.
(Mandy) No problem at all. [reaches for glasses and alcohol dispenser and continues to speak] So  where are you folks from? I've been around here long enough to recognize who's from in town and who's  not.
(Joseph) Well, i'm from Louisiana, and my name is Joseph. This here young lady next to me is Anabelle.  She is also from Louisiana. She's the states local singer, and i'm her manager. We came to do some shows  up in this area.
(Mandy) Hello there Anabelle, and you too Joseph. that sound quite nice. What about you there? Where  are you from?
(Gabe) I don't know why this happened. I was one of the richest men in Jersey, how could this have  happened to me? me and only me!!
(Mandy) Whoa, calm down there son. I just asked a simple question. But it seems like there's a lot more  going on with you than i could imagined.
(Anabelle) Yeah, is everything okay? you seem a little uneasy about something.
(Gabe) I honestly don't know. Everything can get worse and i'm sure everything will.
(Joseph) well, why don't you start by telling us your name, then tell us what's going on. I mean, maybe we  could be of help some how.
(Gabe) My name is Gabe. Gabe Hollinsworth. I'm from New Jersey. I owned a very successful business  called Hollinsworth Inc. It's an international business, so surely you must have heard of it.
(Anabelle) I've heard of it. That company wanted to invest in a couple of shows i was doing over in Jersey a  while back.
(Joseph) Oh yeah, yeah that's right. I remember that. I wasn't having that either. In the newspaper it said  that that business was charged and shut down because of fraud and laundering people of their money.
(Gabe) That was a false claim. My business has been running a steady, well organized and trustworthy  shipment. The reason we were charged with this is because someone was not happy with what we did,  someone very powerful in the business world. They had my company shut down.
(Mandy) You know Gabe, that company has been a big part of my life. It was funding my bar for a long  time until I was able to do it all on my own. I personally think it was a great company.  If there was a way I  could help save you and your business i would.
(Anabelle) Me too. Many people told me about that company and it was hard to believe that. It's only  because of Joseph that I didn't take the investment offer.
(Gabe) If there was a way to save my business and me, would you all be willing to help with a little bit of a  push?
(Anabelle,Mandy,Joseph) Sure.
(Gabe) Great. Well, im glad to say there is a way, Nice to know that i found help.

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